February 25, 2024

Praise – Luke 17:11-19


1. How important is it to you that people thank you, after you’ve done something for them? Are there certain relationships in which you express gratitude or offer praise more readily? Why or why not?

2. In scripture, God commands people to offer praise and worship, regardless of the circumstances. How might offering praise and worship to God be helpful practices for us when we are struggling with pain or grief?

3. How does Jesus react when the one comes back to praise God and thank Jesus? Do you think he was surprised that only one returned?

4. Like the other 9, we can tend to “move on” quickly when God does something profound for us. Why does this happen? What is the effect?

5. What is one practice that I can engage this week that can encourage me to focus on Who God is, on His attributes and blessings and presence – even if things are difficult right now? Is there someone who you can do this with?

ie. prayer walk with a friend (I share, you pray for me; you share, I pray for you); Lectio 365 (app); Read Ps 95 or Ps 100 each day; examen at end of day focusing on God’s attributes or blessings…

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