October 1, 2023 Sermon Questions

10/1 Sermon Questions
  1. How do you see grace and truth in Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman?
  2. What do we learn about the process of believing from how she responds to Jesus at different points in the story (e.g. vv9, 11-12, 15, 17, and 29)?
  3. What bias or beliefs do you hold regarding how people might respond to Jesus?
  4. How does this story inform how you interact with other people about believing Jesus?


Close in Prayer:
  • Thank God for giving us the opportunity to experience eternal life as we believe both now and when we die.
  • Ask God to help us and others be open to how Holy Spirit moves in our lives
  • Lift up one another and the ways we are encouraging other people to believe in Jesus

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