September 10, 2023 Sermon Questions

9/10 Sermon Questions
  1. John 1:14 says that Jesus came from the Father “full of grace and truth.” When you first believed how did you experience the grace and truth of Jesus?
  2. How are you experiencing the grace and truth of Jesus in this past year? How has this changed or deepened compared to what you initially believed?
  3. How does our understanding of God get off track when we try to think about who God is apart from Jesus?
  4. Who is someone that, like John the Baptist, pointed you to Jesus? What did they do or say that was an encouragement to you?
Close in Prayer:
  • Thank God for speaking light into darkness, for sending Jesus to live among us and for showing us who God is
  • Ask God to lead you with the fullness of His grace and truth
  • Lift one another up in prayer

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