September 1, 2024

Practicing the Way

Going Deeper for Individuals and Small Group Questions

This week’s readingp.175-205 Freedom

1.Talk together about the process of writing a Rule of Life. What is exciting about this tool? What is discouraging or blocking the process? What do you need, to take a step forward?

2. Of these nine practices (Sabbath, Solitude, Prayer, Fasting, Scripture, Community, Generosity, Service, Witness), what is one you are drawn to, perhaps something you like or do well? Conversely, what is one practice that repels you, or that you simply don’t care for?

3. According to learning theorists, when we try something new, we often get worse before we get better. Has this happened to you, when you have tried a new practice or discipline? Together, brainstorm some ways to keep stepping forward, instead of quitting in frustration.

4. “With Jesus, we always gain far more than we give up.” Do you agree with this statement, practically…really? Why or why not?

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