Ministry Highlights

Intro Letter from Tom

Introduction from Tom


Intro text  




small group participantswomen's bible study attendeessunday  adult class students


Intro text  




mission partnersfood bank volunteersesl studentsand volunteers




world relief families servedholiday donations madeteam world vision members

Hospitality Ministry

Hospitality is truly the core of empathetic connection and a tangible way we show others we can love them like Jesus loves us. By providing a culture of intentional hospitality through ensuring all are seen, acknowledged and warmly welcomed, member’s and guests’ hearts are prepared for worship and the message they will hear.

– Pamela Franklin, Hospitality Leadership Team

Saturday Men's Group

We see God working through the members of our Saturday Men’s Group, encouraging one another, listening to one another, lifting up one another in prayer, listening to God’s word and reflecting on God’s word. Truly we see God at work through each other.

– Don Jarrett, Saturday Men’s Group


This is a place where we learn English.
This is the place were we can make friends.
This is the place where wonderful teachers welcome us.
This is the special place which makes our lives easier in the U.S.
This is the reason why I belong in this place.

– Nozomi, Talk Time Student

World Relief

Our work with World Relief provides essential items to furnish homes that refugee families could otherwise not afford. Providing household goods beyond the most basic allows families to direct scarce resources towards food, transportation and clothing.

– Kim Hess, SPC Volunteer

Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank

As for me, the Food Bank has become an indispensable part of my routine. It’s a place where I feel like my time makes a difference in someone’s life and well-being. I wish I had more time to volunteer there!

– Galileo Vieira, SPC Volunteer

Children's Ministry

Intro text  




JAMCity participants and volunteersParents at Trivia NightTrunk or Treat attendees




MOPS attendeesVBS kids and volunteersSpecial event attendees


“Count your blessings, name them one by one.” This refrain resonates so deeply in our hearts when it come to JAMCity. It is such a blessing in our life… Two fun-facts that we want to share with you: being teachers in our 8th season, we have kids in our classroom today that were not even born when we moved to the US in 2014. The other fun fact about our tenure as teachers is to see all the siblings coming to our classroom throughout the years… What a blessing!

– Samantha and Vagner Andrade, JAMCity Teachers


Taking care of toddlers is a joyful way to serve the church. It is heartwarming to see young families coming to Sunday services. Helping the parents attend the service while their toddlers play is a gift.

– Beverly Keffer, Toddler Room Teacher


I like the snacks and the song “My Lighthouse.” And, I learned from VBS that God created the world.

– Zachary Li, 2nd grader


I choose to do VBS because I have done it since first grade. It’s a super fun experience and kids always strengthen my faith. When I see them singing it gives me chills. I love it.

– Sophia Roy, Youth Volunteer

Playground Improvement

Playground Improvement Day was a great opportunity for us to serve the people of this church in a tangible way. We had a great time with a bunch of other church members, and we got to contribute in ways that kids and families can enjoy for years to come.

– Tom Escobar, Adult Volunteer

Parent's Night Out

Parent’s Night Out was the first time my wife, Stacy and I felt like SPC was our church, instead of just the church we attend. We were able to meet other couples that we haven’t met and talk to on Sunday mornings, and also spend time together as a couple that we rarely get to experience any more. We hope SPC continues to offer events like this so we can get to know other members of the congregation and continue the process of making SPC “our” church.

– Jeff Jeremiah


MOPS has been a wonderful community where I have felt encouraged and inspired to grow as a mom, wife, and follower of Christ. I am so thankful for the friendships I’ve formed, and for the role MOPS has played in my life the past few years.

– Natalie Escobar

Youth Ministry

Intro text  




Tijuana mission trip participantsCampbell Farm mission trip participantsLake Joy Days attendees




Fall Retreat participantsHigh School students confirmedArcade Night attendees

Campbell Farm

We had a great year at Campbell Farm, after two years of not going because of Covid. The Wapato area and Yakima Indian Reservation are struggling. The level of poverty is staggering. Addiction and abuse are everywhere. The kids growing up there have a tough road.  The past executive director and good friend of SPC, Carmen Pimm, passed away suddenly last year. Her daughter, Dionna has since take over, but not without many challenges.The farm has not had many of visitors and needed a lot of work. Our group was small but mighty. We served the farm more than we ever have in any of the past years. And in doing so, we got a chance to see and learn things we have never been able to before.

– Don Burke, Adult Leader

Glory Days Preschool

Glory Days Preschool is a ministry of Sammamish Presbyterian Church. Our mission is to encourage the natural wonder of the preschool-age child through social, intellectual and spiritual growth in a safe, fun, Godly environment. Our classes offer curriculum that is developmentally appropriate and play-based. With the use of weekly themes, Bible stories, music, active play, circle time, arts /crafts, STEM activities and free choice time, children will develop the skills necessary to thrive in kindergarten and beyond.  




Glory Days Preschool students and staffSummer Camp studentsPercentage of non-churched families at GDP

Our children joined the Pre-K and 2 1/2-year-old classes right after our family moved into the United States. At first they were reluctant to go to school since they couldn’t speak a word of English and they felt lonely and uneasy without family. However, teachers always accepted them, warmly and tirelessly talked to them, making a welcoming atmosphere until they felt safe and comfortable staying in the classroom. That was a crucial moment for our family to get accustomed to the new life in this country. We cannot thank Glory Days teachers enough.

– Kazuhisa Tsuji

Glory Days has been a huge blessing to our family. We moved to Washington in August, and I was nervous about how my daughter would do at her new school. I shouldn’t have been concerned at all. Glory Days has provided her with a smaller class size and a very nurturing environment. She loves learning and is so excited to tell me about what she learns in chapel each week or the new songs she learns. She has created lots of friendships in school as well, which is part of the reason why she loves going each day. But Glory Days extends past just the classroom. All the parents were so welcoming, friendly and kind. We also partake in the Parent/Toddler class at Glory Days which has been amazing. It has provided our son with the chance to socialize with other kids near his age. Plus, I’ve gotten the chance to get to know other parents more and socialize which has become something I look forward to each week. Everyone from the director to the teachers, to the kids, to the parents have all been so welcoming and such a blessing to our family. 

– Erika Bonk